Mis-Understanding Rust lifetime

September 28, 2019

Rust ownership and lifetime are very powerful tools. They were designed to help compiler get better optimization. As a side effect, they could force programmers to write cleaner code, even design better interfaces. Here are some theories and examples that may help understanding lifetimes. Disclaimer: I didn't read the compiler code so I could be wrong.

Update [Oct/20]: Prepend "Mis-" to the title as the theories in this post are wrong. Rust treats lifetimes as types, and converts lifetimes according to the subtyping rules. Every reference has a lifetime as its type. This follow up post has correct explanation of rust lifetime.

Lifetime, who's lifetime

It's very easy to confuse lifetimes with scopes. In fact, they are different concepts.

In rust code, all objects, including constants, owned variables and references, have scopes. Lifetime parameters are associated with references to express relationships between scopes. One lifetime parameter could be associated with multiple references, and one reference could have multiple associated lifetime parameters.

For the expression x: &'a T, instead of saying 'a is the lifetime of x, we should say: 'a is associated with the reference x.

In terms of algebra, scopes are values like 1, 2, 3, and lifetimes are variables like x,y,zx, y, z. Lifetime associations and rules creates inequalities, and rust compiler tries to solve these inequalities.

Lifetime rules

The following are the 3 fundamental lifetime rules and their meanings. On the left of \Rightarrow are rust expressions, on the right are the implied algebraic relations.

  1. Association rule:

    \quadx: &'a T scope(x)'a\;\Rightarrow\;scope(\text{x})\subseteq\text{'a}

    A lifetime is a superset of the scope of its associated reference.

  2. Reference rule:

    \quadx: &'a T = &y 'ascope(y)\;\Rightarrow\;\text{'a}\subseteq scope(\text{y})

    A lifetime associated with a reference is a subset of the scope of the referent object.

  3. Assignment rule:

    \quadx: &'a S = y: &'b T 'a'b\;\Rightarrow\;\text{'a}\subseteq\text{'b}

    The lifetime associated with the assignee is a subset of the lifetime associated with the assigner.

    This assignment also contains a type rule: ST\text{S}\subseteq\text{T}, i.e. T is a subtype of S.

From the above fundamental rules, we could deduce some useful rules:

  1. Struct reference rule:

    Given a struct struct S<'a> { x: &'a T }, then

    \quads: &'b S<'a> 'b'a\;\Rightarrow\;\text{'b}\subseteq\text{'a}

    The lifetime associated with a struct reference is a subset of the lifetime associated with the struct member.

    Proof: For s: &'b S<'a>, there must be an object y: S<'a>, such that s: &'b S = &y. Thus 'bscope(y)=scope(y.x)'a\text{'b}\subseteq scope(\text{y}) = scope(\text{y.x})\subseteq\text{'a}.

  2. Double reference rule:

    \quadx: &'b &'a T 'b'a\;\Rightarrow\;\text{'b}\subseteq\text{'a}

    The proof is similar to the struct reference rule.

There are also some special lifetime expressions:

  1. Lifetime bound:

    \quad'a: 'b 'b'a\;\Leftrightarrow\;\text{'b}\subseteq\text{'a}

  2. Static scope:

    \quad'a 'a'static\;\Rightarrow\;\text{'a}\subseteq\text{'static}

    Only static objects have static scopes. Static objects are not located in stack or heap. They are located in data segments or code segments that are mapped to the process memory.


Example 1

The first simple example is from the rust book.

    let r;
        let x = 5;
        r = &x;
    println!("r: {}", r);

The compiler tries to associate a lifetime 'a with reference r that satisfies the follow inequalities:

scope(r)'arule 1'ascope(x)rule 2\quad\begin{aligned} scope(\text{r})\subseteq\text{'a} &\quad&\quad & \text{rule 1}\\ \text{'a}\subseteq scope(\text{x}) &\quad&\quad& \text{rule 2} \end{aligned}

This is not possible because scope(x)scope(r)scope(\text{x})\subseteq scope(\text{r}), so the code does not compile.

Example 2

The second example is a modified version of an example in the rust book.

fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
    if x.len() > y.len() {
    } else {

fn main() {
    let s1 = String::from("long string is long");
    let s2 = String::from("xyz");
    let result;
        let rs1 = &s1;
        let rs2 = &s2;
        result = longest(rs1, rs2);
    println!("The longest string is {}", result);

In this example, lifetime 'a is associated with both rs1 and rs2. The compiler needs to find a lifetime 'a that satisfies:

scope(rs1)'ascope(s1)scope(rs2)'ascope(s2)scope(result)'a\quad\begin{aligned} &scope(\text{rs1})\subseteq\text{'a}\subseteq scope(\text{s1})&\\ &scope(\text{rs2})\subseteq\text{'a}\subseteq scope(\text{s2})&\\ &scope(\text{result})\subseteq\text{'a}& \end{aligned}

scope(result)scope(\text{result}) satisfies these inequalities, so 'a could be scope(result)scope(\text{result}), and the compiler passes the check.

Example 3

This example shows an uncommon application of the assignment rule. The constraints in the where clause are necessary in order to satisfy the assignment rule. There are also two implied constraints from the struct reference rule: 'a: 'b and 'c: 'd.

struct S<'a> {
    x: &'a u32,

fn foo<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd>(s: &'b S<'a>) -> &'d S<'c> where 'a: 'c, 'b: 'd {

Static lifetime and runtime lifetime

Rust scopes and lifetimes are static lexical constructs. They are used to emulate lifetimes of data objects at runtime. However, static lifetimes could be different to runtime lifetimes, as shown in the following example:

struct S {}

fn main() {
    let x = S {};
    let y = &x;
    let z = x;
    println!("{:?}", y);

An instance of struct S is first bound to x, then moved to z. The runtime lifetime of the instance spans the whole function invocation. But the scope of x ends when x is moved to z. Any lifetime associated with y could not be satisfied because scope(y)scope(x)scope(\text{y})\nsubseteq scope(\text{x}). Thus the code does not compile.


In the above, we did not consider mutable variables and references. Lifetime rules associated with mutable references are not straightforward to abstract. I'll take this to a follow-up post.